Friday, May 11, 2012

Ghana, West Africa; -Marinda Mullis

I had the wonderful opportunity to go on an internship to Ghana, West Africa this last fall semester. I am a public health major, emphasizing in health promotion. In Ghana, I was able to see health care in a developing country first-hand. I had studied about international health here at BYU, but actually going to a different country to study health was an entirely different experience. I worked with a volunteer organization that helps sponsor a non-governmental organization in a rural village in Ghana. The NGO is working to break the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS. While I was there, I was able to shadow doctors working in various clinics in the hospital there. I saw patients with Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Elephantitis, and many other tropical diseases. I was able to see how the health care system works in this developing country. They are making progress, but sure have a long way to go. Before I left, I was a little hesitant to go. I was scared for my safety, but upon arriving, I thought back on how silly it was to be scared. I immediately made friends with many of the welcoming Ghanaians and other volunteers from America and some European countries. This experience was the opportunity of a lifetime and I would go back in a heartbeat! I cried almost the entire plane ride home because I was so sad to leave all of the friends I had made during my 4 month stay in Ghana. If you’re interested, I kept a blog while I was there. You can find it at

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