Wednesday, July 10, 2013

BELIZE; Physical Therapy Internship - Randy

             The Octavia Waight Centre: Help Age Belize is a home for the elderly in the beautiful, paradisaical country of Belize in Central America.  The 25 residents of the center suffer from a variety of diseases; including diabetes, hemiplegia, and Alzheimer’s.  As an active geriatric physical therapy intern I was able to participate in the treatment of these patients, specifically helping them with physical therapy.  This has been the first time that I have worked consistently with geriatric patients, so I was interested to see how I would like the experience.
            Being a part of the Octavia Waight Centre was not only educational but also very enjoyable.  5 hours a day 5 days a week I helped patients with therapy, and when I was at the apartment I studied to learn different things I could do that would help the residents.  I learned so many things and developed skills that directly apply to my major (biology) and career choice (physical therapy).  I was also able to develop relationships that I will keep for the rest of my life.  Due to privacy concerns, I am unable to post the pictures that I took with the patients at the nursing home.
            In addition to the therapy, I also participated in a variety of volunteer opportunities.  We coached a middle school volleyball team, directed a youth summer camp at the police station, set up volunteer work at an abortion advisement clinic, and worked construction at a local school.  On the weekends we explored the culture.  By the end of the adventure, we had been all over the country.  It was a very productive 4 weeks, and I enjoyed every moment.

Overall, the internship was a remarkable, eye-opening learning experience.  I loved working with the patients, and I learned that I would be more than happy to work in geriatric physical therapy.